When you buy cigarettes online, prices are cheap because you do not pay extraordinary amounts of money, including taxes and other hidden charges.
The prices of cigarette packs in store include rent, staff salaries, taxes, surcharges, insurance etc... Online stores are working directly with manufacturers - avoiding intermediaries, avoiding the costs of storage and important local taxes - all this makes the cheaper price.
Our regular customers receive an additional discount on their purchases. Choose your favorite brand of cigarette, get a good price, place the order and get it fast.
Our website www.cigarettes-cigars.com offers a wide variety of cigarettes buy online - and you choose the brand and origin. If cigarettes are from Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States or the European Union - they have the same taste as your cigarettes at home.
We cut taxes; we do not reduce the quality of tobacco or freshness. Get the most popular cigarettes such as Marlboro, Camel, Newport, Winston, Lucky Strike, Rothmans, L & M Classic - or the most exclusive brands cigarettes, as Sobranie, Vogue, Davidoff, Parliament and Karelia.
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